we first heard about Starfield all theway back in 2018 and ever since thenthrough tiny little tidbits dropped hereand there through brief trailers behind the scenes videos and more we’ve beengiving a startlingly little amount ofinformation on what to expect fromBethesda game studios first new IP in 25years at the recent Xbox game showcasethough the studio closed the show withthe Starfield direct presentation whichwas a mammoth 45-minute showcase takinga ridiculously comprehensive Deep diveinto every aspect of the space-faringRPG a Cavalcade of new details haveemerged on Starfield as a result andhere we’re going to go over all of thekey talking points obviously there’s alot to get into so let’s just jumpstraight into itstory detailsSTORY DETAILSwhile the full extent of starfield’sstory obviously remains to be seen we’vebeen given a pretty good idea of howit’ll kick off and what the centralthrust will be your story will begin inthe city of New Atlantis you meet withthe members of a group calledconstellation by this point in timeconstellation is seen by the massesalmost as a sort of mythical group ofSpace Explorers though many aren’t evenaware of their existence anymore theycontinue to try and find the answers tosome of Humanity’s biggest and mostimportant questionsthat ties in with your story nicelybecause early on in the story you comeinto contact with a mysterious artifactthat gives you strange Visions uponmeeting with constellation you learnthat this artifact is part of a set withthe others of its kind scatteredthroughout the Galaxy and cruciallyenough these artifacts were made by anintelligence that existed outside of thesettled systems hunting down theseartifacts will be your main goal andyou’ll be doing so with an Eclectic castof characters including Sarah Morgan aformer Soldier and current leader ofconstellation Noel A Gifted scientistand saris Protege Walter a successfulbusinessman and the constellationsfinancier ex-pirate Vlad the formerSpace Cowboy Samco and many morestar map the star map in your ship willSTAR MAPserve as the Hub throughout which you’llbe charting all of your coursesthroughout the settled systems the starmap can show all relevant information onevery planet as well as all theresources that you can find on it whileusing the map you can either fast travelto known locations or choose a specificlanding spot on a more zoomed out scaleyou can see the entire star system whereof course you’ll find all of the systemsplanets planetoids moons and all pointsof interest encompassing multiple questsside quests key locations and more on aneven more zoomed out scale you can seeall systems in a particular part of theGalaxy charting a course from system tosystem requires your ship’s grab driveto initiate long distance jumps thoughjumping to the systems that are reallyfar away will need you to make moreappropriate upgrades to your shipcities and factionsCITIES AND FACTIONSexploring varied and unique cities andsettlements is always the big part ofthe charm of Bethesda RPGs and it seemsStarfield is taking that to the nextlevel the game’s Flagship City so tospeak is new Atlantis which is thebiggest city Bethesda game studios hasever made for any game in terms of sizecustom art its crowds the quests andactivities at houses and moreof course different cities throughoutthe settled systems will also be alignedwith different factions which is alsoanother one of bgs’s Hallmarks newAtlantis for instance is the capitalcity of the United Colonies and as thefirst major human settlement in space itholds up the law discipline and thelegacy of the human race Above All Elsethe city of cydonia on Mars is anotherUnited Colony City and serves as amassive Mining facility Beyond UC spacethe settled systems are much much morewild and independent with one of themore prominent factions here being theFreestar Collective their capital isAquila city which is basically the WildWest in space while former fishingplatform neon is now widely known as apleasure City where almost anything goesplenty of other hostile factions havealso been briefly mentioned by Bethesdaincluding zeelots who are devoted tosomething they call the Great Serpent agroup of space pirates known as theCrimson Fleet and morePROCEDURAL CONTENTprocedural contentStarfield is going to have literallyover a thousand planets for players tovisit and explore and while the game isgoing to have a massive amount ofhandcrafted content plenty of what youfind in the subtle systems will be usingprocedural generation techniques so howexactly will that work well essentiallyas you approach a planet the game willprocedurally generate a wide variety ofelements it will stitch together blocksof terrain at various points of interestto populate the planet with a variety ofFlora and Fauna for players to find andstudy and interact with resources toharvest and more however this proceduralgeneration system will also populatethese planets with handcrafted contentso you’ll never know what you mightencounteroutpostsOUTPOSTSwhen you’re out exploring planets you’llalso have the option to establishoutposts where Starfield will be takinga page out of Fallout 4’s books Bethesdasays you can build out posts almostanywhere and on any Planet while you’llalso be able to use a vast variety ofhabitat modules that will come indifferent shapes and sizes and servedifferent purposes assigning crew andcompanions more on this in a bit to youroutposts will help with their upkeep andyou’ll also be able to installextractors that Harvest resources whileyou’re away which means you can keep ahealthy stream of them coming inconstantly in the background and as faras the actual building process not onlywill you be able to build while walkingaround and manually placing modules andstructures yourself you’ll also have theoption to enter a top-down perspectiveand build with much greater freedom andflexibility on a more micro level youcan also decorate the Interiors of youroutposts and their habitats in a varietyof ways you can also add crafting andresearch stations to spend yourresources on unlocks and on NewCreationsflora and faunaFLORA AND FAUNAa big part of the thrill in spaceexploration games on paper at least isbeing able to land on different planetsand seeing all of their wondrous andalien sights so what can we expect fromStarfield on that front plenty it seemsusing your scanner you’ll be able tolearn more about the native species ofplants and animals that you find onplanets and if you fully survey a planetor a whole system you’ll get specialrewards Bethesda says that whilecreating the native Flora and Fauna ofeach planet it’s set out to designsomething that would feel authentic butstill look like something you’ve neverseen before which can feel like they’retruly native to their surroundingswithout necessarily having to lookexplicitly alien bgs has taken a similarapproach to designing the planetsthemselves the development team studieddata from a number of sources includingNASA so it could create worlds that arefun to explore but are still believableenvironments that applies to everythingfrom planetary atmospheres to biomes andmorecharacter creationCHARACTER CREATIONcharacter creation is a big deal in anyRPG but especially in a Bethesda RPG andhere Starfield is once again dialingthings up to 11. bgs says it scanned awide range of faces of different agesand ethnicities and using the data itgot it was able to create a creationtool set that’ll present a startlingamount of options and flexibility infact the NPCs in the game were all madeusing this Variety Tool Setso what will this tool set entail itencompasses a Litany of optionsincluding body type walking style skintone the shape of your head your hairand hair color facial hair Eyes eyecolor teeth setting skin blemishesmakeup scars piercings and jewelry yourneck your mouth your cheeks your earsyour chin you get the idea there’s a lotbackgrounds and traitsBACKGROUNDS AND TRAITSwhen you’re creating your characteryou’ll also choose your background froma sizable list of options which will notonly give a general backstory to yourcharacter but also give you somestarting skills for instance selectingthe Explorer background will mean yourcharacter has an established history asa successful and experienced spaceExplorer and will come with uniqueskills like being able to use laserweapons using your know-how to get themost out of your ship’s grab drive andbeing particularly skilled at surveyingyour environments and their flora andfauna there’s a variety of differentbackgrounds beyond that of courseincluding Chef Beastmaster Diplomatgangster Homesteader Professor RoninBounty Hunter and many many others fromtime to time your character’s backgroundwill also come in handy during quests oractivities where your particularbackstory and skill set might beparticularly suited to a specific tasksomething else that you’ll select foryour character at the outset is traitsof which you can have three Each ofwhich will come with a pro and a con thekids stop trait is where you have toregularly pay credits to support yourparents but you also get to visit themand speak with them anytime you wantthen there’s the wanted trait which willgive you a damage Buff when your healthis low though you’ll have to randomlydeal with mercenaries who are out tokill you there’s many more of these andthey’ll be optional while there willalso be some ways to remove the traitsyou pickedPROGRESSIONprogressionstar field will also give you plenty ofways to personalize and customize yourcharacters past the point of creatingthem through its skill trees andprogression there will be five skilltrees in total each pertaining to Uniqueabilities while each skill will alsohave four ranks which you’ll have tounlock progressively by completingspecific challenges which will getharder with each rank skills will grantyou a variety of unique Buffs andabilities like being able to mindcontrol aliens getting a jet pack to usein combat improving your stealth so youcan pickpocket everyone you see withoutany worries and sneak your way throughvents like a Hollywood super agentupgrading your dialogue skills so youcan talk your way through situationsinvesting in your combat skills so youcan run and Gun to your heart’s contentand morecombat traditionally combat has alwaysbeen one of the weaker aspects ofBethesda game studios RPGs though thedeveloper says it has made plenty ofimprovements on that front withStarfield that will start with havingthe ability to extensively mod yourweapons to suit your play style with thecustomization options including sightsand Scopes grips magazines muzzlesammunition rounds and more stealthoptions will be expanded through the useof suppressors while those who like togo up close and personal will have theoption to use a range of melee weaponslike knives axes and moreBethesda says starfield’s combat iscompletely overhauled with newanimations and a larger collection ofweapons and mods than any other game thestudio has made in the past weaponsthemselves also include some fancyvarieties like energy weapons that firelasers electromagnetic mag weapons withBallistic arrays and more then there arethe pistols submachine guns sniperrifles shotguns grenade launchers heavymachine guns and the leg upgrading yourgear will also be an important factorwhile the environment you find yourselfin will also demand changed upstrategies gravity for instance will bedifferent on each planet and as suchwill have different effects on yourmovement and jumps and even The Recoilof weapons so when you fire a weapon inzero g it’ll push you backwardsships and ship customizationSHIPS AND SHIP CUSTOMIZATIONnow we come to one of starfield’sheadlining acts the vast expanses ofspace itself naturally you’ll be doing alot of space travel in your game whichmeans your ships will be a crucial partof the core gameplay Loop yes shipsplural you’ll start out with thefrontier your starting ships but you canbuy and steal more and essentially buildup an entire fleet of your own there arealso different types of ships that servedifferent purposes so depending onwhether you want to engage in somedogfights or if you’re looking to haulcargo you’ll want to put some thoughtinto which ship you’re taking outcustomizing your ships will also be amajor part of the experience forstarters you can customize and upgradeevery single component of your ship byquickly upgrading individual systems ofyour ship like its weapons or itsShields or its grab drive or you canhead into the ship Builder which isbasically a full-on ship creation andcustomization tool set here players willbe afforded a vast degree of freedom andhow they want to customize their vesselyou can change its layouts you can addnew habitats that will not only changewhat it looks like but also change itsInteriors like adding living quartersfor your crew or a mess lab or a storagelocker you can fully customize theship’s paint job and more meanwhiledepending on which ship manufacturer’scomponents and parts you’re using thedifferent modules of Your Vessel willhave a different look and feel againit’s clear that there’s an almostoverwhelming amount of options here hellyou can even shape your ships to makethem look like Mechanical Animalsmassive mechs or anything else your mindcan conjure upcrewCREWthroughout your journey in Starfield youwon’t be alone you’ll also bemaintaining and expanding your crew inaddition to companion characters who arecore characters that you’ll find throughquests and side quests you’ll also beable to recruit various NPCs that you’llfind out in the game’s World each crewmember will have a unique skill set anddepending on that skill set you’ll haveto decide which ships or outposts youwant to assign them to so that theirskills can be utilized in the best waypossible meanwhile the aforementionedcompanion characters will also each havetheir own unique personal quest linesand players will be able to grow theirrelationships with them of course youcan also take a companion or crew memberout on the field with you to accompanyyou during combat and explorationspace flight and combatSPACE FLIGHT AND COMBATbuilding customizing and maintainingyour ships is all well and good but howexactly will flying them actually workit won’t be a simple case of pushing theanalog stick forward and pulling thetrigger to fire its weapons differentsystems of your ship will governdifferent actions and you’ll have toconstantly keep an eye on how much poweryou’re feeding into each of them thedemands for which of course will changebased on what situation you findyourself in put more power into yourgrab drives and you’ll be able to makequicker jumps if you’re about to headinto combat you’ll want to power up yourengines and shields sending more powerto your engines will allow you to travelat greater speedscombat meanwhile will also give youplenty of options you will be able todestroy enemy ships and blow them intopieces while unlocking the target systemskill will also allow you to Target anddisable specific systems of enemy shipsso you can disable their engines to makethem stall or disable their Shields toleave them vulnerable once ships aredestroyed you can loot them in peacethough you can if you wish also chooseto not destroy ships and instead boardthem take out their crew and then addthat vessel to your growing Fleetspace activities while space combat willSPACE ACTIVITIESobviously be a big part of starfield’sexpanses there will be plenty moreactivities to keep you occupied in thegreat beyond as well you can visitmassive star yards and explore theirInteriors meet new characters or buy newships and components you can dock withgigantic battleships or luxury cruiseliners to meet various characters andpick up new quests in side quests youcan hail any ship you find and eitherchoose to trade with them politely swapinformation or turn into a full-onpirate and take them for everythingthey’ve got and morePHOTO MODEphoto mode you can’t help but love agood photo mode and Starfield as a gamethat’s looking like it’s going to play ahost to an overwhelming amount ofgorgeous Vistas throughout its massivemap it seems ripe for many photo opshappily enough Bethesda has confirmedthat the game will indeed have a photomode at launch the developer hasn’tdropped any details on what features wecan expect from the mode but hopefullythose will come in the coming weeks andmonthstechnical detailsTECHNICAL DETAILShow will Bethesda game studios game willfare on a technical level is always abig question and unsurprisingly such isthe case with Starfield as well how muchof an improvement it’ll be over past bgstitles is something we’ll only really beable to determine after we’ve goneHands-On with the game ourselves but thedeveloper has spoken about plenty ofimprovements that have been made on thetechnical fronts the game uses a newlighting model that utilizes real-timeGlobal illumination and lights theworlds based on the type of thatparticular planet star and the makeup ofits atmosphere with a particularemphasis being put on cinematic lightingthere’s also a new animation systemthough how much the faces and facialanimations will be improved remains tobe seen30 FPSthis is perhaps the one detail that’sbeen revealed about Starfield by bgsthat’s bound to disappoint quite a fewpeople on both Xbox series X and S thegame will be locked at 30 FPS with a 4Kresolution on the former and 1440p onthe ladder the lack of a 60fps option issurely a disappointing one if notentirely surprising for a game of thesize and scope on the plus side Bethesdadoes say the frame rate will be lockedat 30 FPS and if that is indeed the casewe can at least look forward to stableperformance without any dips here’shoping that actually happenshey did you know that we had gamingbolts upload new videos every day stickaround drop a like subscribe and hitthat Bell and let us know what kind ofcontent you’d like to see in the futurewith a comment below
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